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UK Borrowers Not Swayed By Rising Homeowner Loan Interest Rates

Industry analysts say that UK borrowers are not feeling intimidated by rising homeowner loans interest rates, and expect the numbers of investors entering the buy-to-let market to increase over the coming year. Investors involved within the investment home market are saying that they expect profits to increase in the coming months, even with the interest rate hikes that have had alarmists predicting all sorts of doomsday scenarios. The Mintel group, a leading market research company, released research last week that indicates that the desire among investors to enter the property market was very high and that many investors, and potential investors, perceive the profit growth within the housing market as being quite strong. These home buying investors intend to use the equity build-up from additional home acquisitions to fund long term goals such as retirement. The Mintel group, on the basis of its research conducted, said that they expected the number of people currently renting a second home to double in just three short years. That means an additional 1 Million people will secure an additional homeowner loan in the next three years.

This seems to run contrary to popular opinion that is calling for a housing crash. However analysts say that the polled opinions of those considering entering the housing market reveal no lessening of intention, even with the recent modest interest rate increases. Their research also reveals that 90% of those already in the rental game expect that they will see increases in rental profits over the coming twelve months, and that they expect to increase their rental investment within that same time period. Some of these investors have big plans for expansion. 45% plan to add between 2 and 4 properties, and 6% plan to add a whopping 6 more rental properties.

Of the rental investors polled, just 5% said that they were hoping to sell their investment properties within the next year, with most respondents saying that the long-term advantages outweighed any possible short-term gains to be had by unloading the properties. The managing director of a leading lending company explained, 'With recent interest rate rises and further increases imminent, many pundits are predicting a cooling effect on the housing market. However, we are seeing a huge increase in semi-professional landlords, many of whom have accumulated a substantial portfolio.' This is good news for people that have been apprehensive about acquiring homeowner loans after the recent rate increases. If professional investors are still securing homeowner loans it is safe for the average aspiring homeowner to do so as well.

Cheap secured homeowner loans from Loans4. Apply online now for a low rate, cheap loan even if you have bad credit and need a low cost loan.

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